Lucas Manzella Hockey Star
Lucas Manzella Hockey Star For the second Feature Story of the first semester, I chose to go along the path of interviewing and making a story out of my younger brother, Lucas Manzella's hockey career. I interviewed my brother and made sure to add bits about his recently broken leg. I used B-Roll to cover up the jump cuts. The voiceover was recorded with my iPhone in the audio booth. The requirements were 2 interviews, a voiceover, and b-roll. The Process of this feature story was easier than the last, not only did I choose a story that had easy and accessible B-Roll, but I chose a story that was close to my heart and personal, Hockey has effected my life just has it has effected my brothers. We travel and spend money on this sport and I knew this was an interesting yet original story. Getting Lucas to agree wasn't hard, he loves to show off his skills when it comes to hitting the puck. He made sure to make a few goals during a game for good B-Roll as wel...