
Showing posts from 2015

ANimate House

Animated House Video





Dog House

Using the software sketchup, I created a Dog House. I chose the colors brown and blue to give it color instead of the normal red and black or white. I really enjoyed making this project as well.

10 Words Video

10 Words Video  The other day using adobe photoshop, i made a video using the 10 words that describe me.

Animated Name

 This GIF, is one i made using adobe photoshop. It is my name and it was made simply typing my name and erasing it. This GIF was the most exciting to make and im glad i got the opportunity to.

Bouncing Ball with Arc

Bouncing Ball with Arcs   For this animation there were 3 prime principals of animation.  The first was Squash and Stretch : For squash and stretch I had a normal smiling face that squashed into a wincing face.  The second was Arcs : To give the ball the effect of bouncing, I used arcs, along with squash and stretch.   To watch a video on the 12 steps/principals of animation watch this video: 12 Principals of Animation


ENFJ My personality type using the MBTI was ENFJ, It stands for Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging.  For the Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever and Beaver test I got the otter. The otter is extremely similar to me as well.

Bouncing Ball

Using adobe photoshop, I decided to make a bouncing ball. We used the animation tab under the actual project.

they loved your GPA, then they saw your tweets reflection

  Article Summary    While reading this article, a few things caught my eye. My personal opinion on this matter is that its an invasion of privacy, but also if you put your personal information online, its online and available for everyone to see. In the article, a few things shocked me and a few things caught me with questions, such as  Why would a student post rude things about other classmates during a presentation? That made no sense to me. A question I had was about all the percentages, which shocked me.  Everything about this article made sense and at the same time made no sense at all.

Adobe Photoshop

      Olathe Northwest Compass   Olathe Northwest Text Olathe Northwest  Overlay, Project 4 Butterfly


The pink in my logo stands for, femininity, love, sexuality, LGBT culture, f un, youth, and flamboyance. I chose these pinks to be aesthetic, but to also promote youth, femininity, and love. I want people to feel comfortable and at home with my logo. I added the mountains in my logo to say that anyone can mentally improve or rise mentally.  I added my initials to give it personality and to make it my own.

Anatomy of Typography

    Every letter in the alphabet has special characteristics to it.  For example, "H" has a cross bar and a Bracket, depending on the font. There are two types of fonts within the millions of individual fonts, Serif and San Serif. A serif is the projections extending off the main strokes of the characteristics of serif typefaces. Serifs come in two styles: bracketed and unbracketed. Brackets are the supportive curves which connect the serif to the stroke. Unbracketed serifs are attached sharply, and usually at 90 degree angles (definition source from a handout).  Shown above I made an example from my name, and listed out the special characteristics from every letter that had an obvious one, not all are listed. This type of work is called "Anatomy of Typography".


Pathfinder Tool In Adobe Illustrator there are thousands of tools and tabs to choose from. Pathfinder is an option, and I chose to read over and test a tutorial posted on the internet. Over these few steps, I found out how to divide, outline, combine and move shapes. In this example above, I combined 2 circles and a rectangle. Once I combined and outlined the shapes, I pulled apart the circles to give it the affect it has.

Color Wheel

Color Theory. Color Wheels all come together and have things in common. No matter the shape, size, or design. Color, yes. Color wheels have 3 primary colors which are red, yellow and blue. In the picture above, red, yellow and blue are all coming together in the middle point, having other colors also reach the same point. This color wheel is not like most considering it is out of order, which was done on purpose.   Every color you see fits into the color wheel, no matter if it is actually shown. While looking at the color wheel you will notice that you feel emotions for every color you see. You associate emotions to color. Blue most people think of loyalty, or comfort. Red, you may associate with fire, or something personal. The color theory plays a huge roll in your everyday life.   The software used for this was Adobe Illustrator.  

What is Graphic Design?

   Graphic design is the language for living, it takes in every aspect of life. To me, graphic design makes a huge difference, it makes choices for me daily. As humans we are drawn to color and design, by using words and images we are using typical human behavior. We choose, buy and believe in the graphic designs we see everyday. If the piece of art you see moves you in any way, its affective.    Choosing which pattern and design plays a huge part in your everyday routine. Driving down the road and seeing billboards, seeing signs for streets and stores, everything you see is graphic design. Thats how important this industry is. This small part of your life, is actually a huge part of your life. It makes the life you live, better.  Graphic design for music makes my life completely different, one of my favorite music artists Halsey has one of the best album covers I have ever seen, the graphic design plays a huge part in my life. If I see an album with an outstanding cover I auto