PSA Blog

From January to March 6 we had a PSA due in class. Ann, Ashlee, Tim, Brady and I all chose to do a PSA on human or sex trafficking. We chose to do this subject because it will always be a pressing issue and will never end. In this video we had struggles of finding people who would act, so we ended up using our own group members. As a group we couldnt always find time to film together so that was the most difficult part of our filming process. We had an idea of what to do for the film from the start so that was easier. We wanted something creepy and scary since this subject is creepy and scary to all. Ashlee directed and edited, I helped film and edit and direct, and Tim filmed. Brady helped act. Our biggest struggle was the fact that our camera wouldnt work so we had to use an iphone to film but we believe it turned out okay.


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