Movie Trailer Remake

     Clueless Trailer

    During the month of February the primary focus was a recreation of a high school movie trailer. My group chose Clueless and we used our time wisely while we could. Although time was difficult due to actors commitments, we were able to finish with a product that I found rather good with the time crunch and difficulties we went through. This is one of my favorite projects that Ive done yet and I can't wait to continue moving forward in Entertainment.

    One technical component that was very difficult for me was the audio. We shot at a Winsteads over the first weekend and the first shots we got were at Winsteads. The audio levels for Molly (Cher) were fine and you could hear her perfectly, by the time we switched over and got the shots of Ann and I, the music had started playing and the boom mic in use was not connected properly so we didn't have that audio. The only audio we had was through the cameras microphone which picked up the music and background audio over our voices. It was difficult trying to edit these clips in so that you could hear Ann and I speak. We had to change all audio channels and make the audio gain down to -12 and the background music at a level of -18 decibels.

    The shots we got outside were filmed in 32 degree weather, it was absolutely freezing yet we all gained the strength to continue filming the shots in the car, and outside. Originally the shot where Cher and Tai are talking about the school was supposed to be outside, along with the shot of Molly, Ann and I. We had to re arrange those shots to make it fit into our tight schedule so we made the executive decision to shoot those inside a school hallway. The shoe scenes where they're sitting at a party were re-arranged as well. The shot was supposed to be on a pool table, with a lamp in the back. Instead, we sat on a couch at school and Jaclyn flipped off her flip flop. The shots were all changed only for true and much needed reasons.

     This project I learned that its really a key part to choose a group who is as willing as you are, who want to be there as much as you, and who will put the time aside to make a great video. In these past few weeks we learned advanced camera work, such as pans and zooms along with lighting. Lighting was a difficult part considering we only had one tiny lamp to use during the party scene along with natural lighting so we had to learn how to manipulate light in as many ways possible. The trailer was made shot for shot, we made storyboards from the true trailer, added in camera work onto the storyboard, along with costumes and casting and we made a production schedule. We used a dolly to get certain shots, and had to use a certain type of tripod when shots weren't going to work. Overall I had fun being apart of this creation and I believe that if everyone works together and does what they need the end product will be amazing. I wouldn't say that this outcome was amazing, but given the difficulties we occurred it looks good.

      If I could do anything differently I would choose a better cast list and crew. Everyone I worked with was absolutely amazing, it just didn't work out as planned due to schedules and commitment. Even though I am not happy with that, I also wouldn't change it if I had the opportunity. Ill never be in a true work situation where everyone is as committed as I am to being there so I can't hold that against them as well.

     For my next project I hope that I can carry over the editing skills and camera work that I used for this project.


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