Graphic Design Final
Franchesca Manzella
Graphic Design Final
The Massimo Vignelli project that I completed a few projects ago relied on technology. It was a project completely based off of how well you use technology and research. The project I executed was not my favorite, nor one I would want to show off. It was not a strong piece of work and was not something I am proud of. My research was off and it threw the entire project off for me.
Another project that completely relied on technology and the knowledge and usage was the vectored project in the first season. I absolutely did not like the project what-so-ever. It was not the strongest project I have ever done. I did work hard on it. With intense anxiety that I carry it was hard on me to complete the project that I didn't want anyone to see. I tried my hardest using Illustrator but unfortunately it did not go well.
The infographics made in the first semester were based off collaboration. We used partners to finish this project. The end product was something I was extremely proud of. I based mine off of Selena Gomez' career. In the end I used my personal styles and changed the entire infographic up. The style along with the facts and the colors. The infographic was one of my favorite projects in this entire school year.
Project management is a large portion of how to handle the pressure put on E-Communication. We are assigned projects and given time to complete them. In Graphic Design, we are given close to more than enough time to complete projects. For example, although there is always work able to be done, some times there is too much time to complete work. Even though we can adjust and make changes it can be very difficult when there is too much time given. This is difficult, don't get me wrong. This has an interesting take on everything. Project management is everything, only because if you don't do this you're done. You have to finish your projects on time.
A challenge with project management I faced was having too much time, as I have stated multiple times. Which was my fault for not taking my time and going over things multiple times. For every project in the last semester I finished earlier than most and was able to execute a piece of art.
Everything I have learned from Graphic Design will follow me in my future years, such as the photoshop skills along with all the collaboration skills and I will take that away with me. Staying in this program in the Entertainment strand, I will take the collaboration skills from the critics to my Entertainment future. If I could go back and change anything about my graphic design year, I would make sure to change the fact that I was very insecure about my projects and I wish I would have given more thought to many projects, only because overtime I went to look at other peoples projects, I did not feel confident with my own projects. I would make sure to feel more confident in my work in the future.
All in all, this class was a joy to be in, most days. The days I actually had things to do, I wanted to be here. Its unfortunate because I really did love the idea of this class, I just didn't enjoy coming here everyday when I didn't have something to do. Sitting in a class where you have finished the project and you have nothing else to do to improve your project without changing everything is hard. Although, I am confident in my ending rebranding project. Im glad I didn't go with the Johnny's Tavern logo only because it wasn't me, it was not my style. I wish I could have been given more projects to work with in this class. I loved this class and if I had to take it next year I would. I truly appreciated this class first semester, second semester went downhill. Going into this class, I knew I wouldn't stay in this strand, but I did try my hardest.
Graphic Design Final
A valuable takeaway from Technology is how to deeply use the Adobe programs in depth. I have truly learned how to simply use the softwares enough to allow me to create projects that look like a professional made them. I have never used these softwares prior to this program and I am proud to say that I learned multiple things from these softwares. Technology is so important in the age we live in, being its 2017. We are very technology based and I believe learning these skills along with all other 4 guarantees is such an honor and beneficial to my future. Along my Sophomore year, using the softwares and machines we are given was one of the easiest things I had learned.The Massimo Vignelli project that I completed a few projects ago relied on technology. It was a project completely based off of how well you use technology and research. The project I executed was not my favorite, nor one I would want to show off. It was not a strong piece of work and was not something I am proud of. My research was off and it threw the entire project off for me.
Another project that completely relied on technology and the knowledge and usage was the vectored project in the first season. I absolutely did not like the project what-so-ever. It was not the strongest project I have ever done. I did work hard on it. With intense anxiety that I carry it was hard on me to complete the project that I didn't want anyone to see. I tried my hardest using Illustrator but unfortunately it did not go well.
Collaboration in E-Communication means everything. Collaboration is E-Communication. Every project, every thing I make and do depends on other people and how we work together. Every project I have done with E-Communication is based on how well other people give me feedback. In Graphic Design I have used collaboration with every assignment we have done. Such as, asking peers for help on how to change it, and they help critic my work. Collaboration is one of the most important skills we have in E-Communication. Its important to the program because this skill focus' on how to work with others. In Graphic Design my Sophomore year, I had no challenges with this. Although it may be hard to work with certain individuals sometimes, it was very easy to get along with my peers in this class.The infographics made in the first semester were based off collaboration. We used partners to finish this project. The end product was something I was extremely proud of. I based mine off of Selena Gomez' career. In the end I used my personal styles and changed the entire infographic up. The style along with the facts and the colors. The infographic was one of my favorite projects in this entire school year.
Communication is also a large part of E-Communication because in Graphic Design we take class time to sit down and do constructive criticism. Communication plays a huge roll because not only is communication talking with others and giving critics but also how you get a message across in a piece of work you have created in Graphic Design or any other part of E-Communication. Communication is based off of how well others talk with each other and get work done. For communication I learned more than I expected. Here in Graphic Design, I learned that Communication with peers, instructors and in the future clients, is more than important. It is the base of the program.
Project Management
Project management is a large portion of how to handle the pressure put on E-Communication. We are assigned projects and given time to complete them. In Graphic Design, we are given close to more than enough time to complete projects. For example, although there is always work able to be done, some times there is too much time to complete work. Even though we can adjust and make changes it can be very difficult when there is too much time given. This is difficult, don't get me wrong. This has an interesting take on everything. Project management is everything, only because if you don't do this you're done. You have to finish your projects on time.A challenge with project management I faced was having too much time, as I have stated multiple times. Which was my fault for not taking my time and going over things multiple times. For every project in the last semester I finished earlier than most and was able to execute a piece of art.
E-Communication is Leadership. We work with other people in a close environment and Leadership is a large part of group collaboration, project management and everything else that makes E-Communication what E-Communication is. With Leadership we are able to give our ideas and we are able to hold a grasp onto each of the 5 guarantees. Leadership is a large factor only because it truly helps students get to where they need to be in life. In Graphic Design there are many projects where we have to work with others and show what we can do.
In graphic design many of my strengths are within sketching and using a minimalist style choice. For the logo project I did, Sprinkles Cupcakes, I used a very simplistic design and font, which is the style I went for. The colors used were very tinted and pastel. I love to use those types of colors only because its not very common to see such boring yet beautiful colors in logo font. I was proud of this logo project, I liked the look and feel and felt it fit the company very well. Other strengths are using photoshop and illustrator extensively. I have learned many new things this year because of the tutorials we went over at the beginning. I never thought I would be able to work the Adobe softwares as well as I did. I truly enjoy the adobe softwares as well.Weaknesses
Graphic Design is not my strongest. I love the designing process and the idea behind it. Although I am not able to fully deliver in this class. The class as a whole is a weakness. I don't feel passionate towards it and I don't feel like devoting time to it. A large problem is I overthink my projects and don't like them after I finish or start, and I think having too much time to upload things to a Behance profile takes away the fun when you're afraid to work on something else because you have too much time. Although thats not a weakness, I need to work on how to arrange my time to where I am not sitting here with nothing to do.Everything I have learned from Graphic Design will follow me in my future years, such as the photoshop skills along with all the collaboration skills and I will take that away with me. Staying in this program in the Entertainment strand, I will take the collaboration skills from the critics to my Entertainment future. If I could go back and change anything about my graphic design year, I would make sure to change the fact that I was very insecure about my projects and I wish I would have given more thought to many projects, only because overtime I went to look at other peoples projects, I did not feel confident with my own projects. I would make sure to feel more confident in my work in the future.
All in all, this class was a joy to be in, most days. The days I actually had things to do, I wanted to be here. Its unfortunate because I really did love the idea of this class, I just didn't enjoy coming here everyday when I didn't have something to do. Sitting in a class where you have finished the project and you have nothing else to do to improve your project without changing everything is hard. Although, I am confident in my ending rebranding project. Im glad I didn't go with the Johnny's Tavern logo only because it wasn't me, it was not my style. I wish I could have been given more projects to work with in this class. I loved this class and if I had to take it next year I would. I truly appreciated this class first semester, second semester went downhill. Going into this class, I knew I wouldn't stay in this strand, but I did try my hardest.
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