Video Final
Franchesca Manzella
This year in Video was very beneficial. I was able to use my strengths and work on my weaknesses. This semester in video was much better than the first, only because my plans are to go into Entertainment. I feel like I haven't been able to fully reach my potential and my talents, so I'm excited to go forward in this strand. My biggest strengths are being able to come up with an idea in my head and trying to execute it. Although, my past few projects haven't been the best, I feel its because I haven't been able to use my ideas without the other group members not liking it, but its for the best because its always great to have others opinions.
Using equipment and the machines, We were able to go over and learn how to use premiere pro, which I've never used before and taught myself. I love the editing process and the creativity behind it so using a new editing software really opened up my alleys and learning. I loved being able to learn the new software and not using final cut like last year because in my opinion, Premiere is more advanced than Final Cut. The cameras used aren't my favorite, I prefer to use the DSLRs even though they're not the "more advanced". The only challenges with learning a new software was not knowing how to use it until you have to, and that caused a few problems when I couldn't find something online and no one else knew how. My greatest strengths in premiere pro are editing, obviously, but being able to creatively lay out a sequence in the project, being able to adjust the audio and beyond. At the beginning of the year I barely knew how to work with Premiere Pro but now at this level of Video I feel I am intermediate enough in the software to get myself by on editing. I hope by my senior year I am able to advance in Premiere Pro and know the software in and out.
In the second semester of Video, working in groups and with peers was the main part of projects. Although there were many challenges with this process, such as specific people I've worked with. It is in the past and I have learned not to work with people I butt heads with unless the other person can get over it, but I know now to stay away from problems like that if possible. I am very fun to work with, I am easy to work with as well. It may be hard to work with others, but I can get through it. I love to work with my friends, especially if they have the same ideas and aesthetics in mind. I learned to work well with others, even if they're not my friends, and I learned how to make friends through projects. I met two of my best friends by working on a project together, thats the best type of collaboration. Although my other video friends aren't in this physical class, we have decided over the summer to continue working together on video projects to get our own work done. I'm excited to see how my work with others advances in the next two years as well.
Communication to others through art is important, sharing a message. In this video class we are able to show others how we work together and get things done by working in a tight classroom. Communication with peers on projects is a bit part of this aspect as well. You have to communicate and make sure everyone and everything is all in on the plan and project. The main idea of communication with others is to get things done and planned out. Pre-Production is the most important part of a film. And you cant get that done without communicating with your group members. A challenge through this guarantee is that you never know what you're going to get, you may get to work with others that are willing to work off schedule, and you may get those that refuse. You just have to communicate and plan. This happened to me particularly when I had to finish a trailer re-make and a fellow peer did not want to be involved after the first few days of filming. They didn't want to show up after school or on the weekends, and we had to lay down the law saying "We are filming on this day, at this time. Show up." They did.
Project Management
With any project you do in any strand, there will be times where you finish too early or too late. I am always in the middle. With this strand of Video, I am able to use my time and adjust, nearly never have I felt that I was rushed or had too much time. A challenge with Project Management is depending on other people, which can screw you up big time if you're with the wrong people. Some classmates have a hard time finding the time for this if they don't have a passion for it. Causing issues for when the entire group can take time to go film. Although it all got planned out and went perfectly fine because we went without the group member, its never good to push your group back like that because you don't choose to show up. I need to improve my scheduling skills, finding time on the weekends and finding friends who will actually show up to help you. Project management isn't just about how well you use your time, but also how you choose to complete the project and who.
Using the directors title of this video class causes great leadership skills, only because that is the entire point of a director. The director makes sure everyone is doing their work correctly, sufficiently and on time, and if they're not, you're the executive decision maker. In this class I have learned some of the best leadership skills, only because I have learned how to guide my peers through ideas and through work, and they've taught me as well. Executing your ideas into a video of some sort is extremely difficult, and it always will be. With the leadership we have been taught, it has made the task some what easier, only because we know what to look for, who to look up for, and where we need to guide ourselves. We have learned to keep pushing through and make the best video you can make. A challenge with the leadership guarantee is only within the fact that some are not cut out for being leaders, channeling ideas, and executing them through words. Its not for everyone. But because we are able to all work together, its not as bad.
Strengths and Weaknesses
In this second semester I feel my editing, and video skills have tremendously improved. Not only because the strand changed with the projects, but because I have learned more and used the take aways to improve on what I wasn't good at before. I still need to work on improving. With my ideas, editing and how I film. I will always improve and love to improve, its the best part about all of this. My weaknesses are within my ideas, I need to improve on my writing skills, filming skills, and my editing skills. I wouldn't call them weaknesses, just something I need to work on and become better at. I will always strive to be better.
All in all, this year in video has been one of the best, I have learned more in life and in Video than I could imagine. I have learned how to get along with people I don't normally like, Ive been able to push through problems and get to the other side. I have learned how to properly problem solve and change my ideas if they don't work. Everything helps. I hope my upcoming years in this strand of E-Communication keep rising and I get better.
All in all, this year in video has been one of the best, I have learned more in life and in Video than I could imagine. I have learned how to get along with people I don't normally like, Ive been able to push through problems and get to the other side. I have learned how to properly problem solve and change my ideas if they don't work. Everything helps. I hope my upcoming years in this strand of E-Communication keep rising and I get better.
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