
Showing posts from 2017

Semester 1 Final

     This semester in Entertainment, we really didn't do much. Yes, technically if you look at it from a larger standpoint we did, but compared to last year we didn't. I haven't even opened premier pro or checked out a camera since September. Last year in Video we had a new project once a month. All the blogs and not always having a project to do has made me lose my drive and passion for this strand. Although I love Entertainment and will still go into it after I graduate, it breaks my heart a little bit. Im beyond excited to make this feature film though, that is what Im looking forward to the most. I can't wait to explore the new equipment and meet our cast, I really can't wait. I just hope we don't waste our time, we need as much as possible and wasting time seems to happen a lot in this class. We should have more than 3 projects a semester in a video class when we haven't started our feature yet.      I truly believe that as an E-communications student...

Justice League

I believe that the MX4D experience was good. I loved the effects that it gave to the film. it added depth and a fun experience to go along with it. I was not distracted at all or upset with anything. I was extremely interested in the film and was looking forward to it more than anything, I loved the effects that was brought through the moving chairs, the air effects and the water that would shoot out. I loved how it really brought the movie to the theatre. It allowed the experience that I couldn't get anywhere from home so it was fun and nice to be able to do something I couldn't do in my own home.


In the movie SPF-18, it's about a young girl named Penny who goes to the beach with her cousin and boyfriend, along the way they meet an aspiring musician. The movie had absolutely no plot in my opinion, it just had a basic idea. The script was very bland and boring, it will definitely never win any awards for screenplay. For cinematography though, it was beautiful. The shots were very well composed, lighting was amazing, and the aesthetic of the shots were absolutely beautiful. The setting was a beach so first thought was very aesthetic. with the nice blue waves and the pretty pink sunset, the cinematography aspect was incredible. Casting wasn't the best, but it was a low budget film so I understand.

Short Film

This short film was very hard to make. We had to remake it about 3 different times, change scripts, change cast, even change crew roles. It was difficult but we made it work. I was the director for the first script, then we changed it to Anns script and then we ran into cast complications and we had to make an entire new script up until the shooting weekend. We ultimately had crew problems but made it work. In the end Ashlee made an entire new script focused around a toxic family life, about 2 young girls who struggle to have parents who give them attention dispite the constant fighting. I was cinematographer for this project, and had to leave early for work so some of the shots were a different style. I wasn't very proud of this in the end. i can do better i just need to work with a different crew.


For the first project in the junior year Entertainment class we made PSAs for class. The PSA my group decided to make was to prevent children meeting up with people they meet online and to stay away from child predators. I directed this video and our main actor was Andrew. He did an amazing job. I didn't edit the video since I directed, the main editor Brett Taylor edited it into a masterpiece. Link Below.

Video Final

Franchesca Manzella   This year in Video was very beneficial. I was able to use my strengths and work on my weaknesses. This semester in video was much better than the first, only because my plans are to go into Entertainment. I feel like I haven't been able to fully reach my potential and my talents, so I'm excited to go forward in this strand. My biggest strengths are being able to come up with an idea in my head and trying to execute it. Although, my past few projects haven't been the best, I feel its because I haven't been able to use my ideas without the other group members not liking it, but its for the best because its always great to have others opinions.  Technology     Using equipment and the machines, We were able to go over and learn how to use premiere pro, which I've never used before and taught myself. I love the editing process and the creativity behind it so using a new editing software really opened up my alleys and learning. I loved being...

Graphic Design Final

Franchesca Manzella 913-484-7267                                                             Graphic Design Final   Technology           A valuable takeaway from Technology is how to deeply use the Adobe programs in depth. I have truly learned how to simply use the softwares enough to allow me to create projects that look like a professional made them. I have never used these softwares prior to this program and I am proud to say that I learned multiple things from these softwares.  Technology is so important in the age we live in, being its 2017. We are very technology based and I believe learning these skills along with all other 4 guarantees is such an honor and beneficial to my future. Along my Sophomore year, using the softwares and machines we are given was one of t...

Marks/Symbol Relection Blog

Marks and Symbols   While reading over the sheet of information on Marks and Symbols I learned that making a logo isn't as easy as it seems, in fact its much more difficult than imaginable. While working with black and white to create shapes that are appealing to the eyes is difficult on many levels. You have to take into consideration color, positive association and much more. Everything has to be taken in for and you have to work with 12 or more steps on designing logos.  Those are symbolistic characteristics, Marks are more than symbols, they include letter marks and logo type. Marks are the process of creating a logo.  The difference between logos and symbols aren't very obvious, but there are a few. Logos are a company brand, they catch peoples eyes and they show a side to the company.  Symbols consist of pictures or shapes while logos are words. These are very in demand for graphic designers.  I learned that while creating a logo you need mu...

Movie Trailer Remake

     Clueless Trailer     During the month of February the primary focus was a recreation of a high school movie trailer. My group chose Clueless and we used our time wisely while we could. Although time was difficult due to actors commitments, we were able to finish with a product that I found rather good with the time crunch and difficulties we went through. This is one of my favorite projects that Ive done yet and I can't wait to continue moving forward in Entertainment.     One technical component that was very difficult for me was the audio. We shot at a Winsteads over the first weekend and the first shots we got were at Winsteads. The audio levels for Molly (Cher) were fine and you could hear her perfectly, by the time we switched over and got the shots of Ann and I, the music had started playing and the boom mic in use was not connected properly so we didn't have that audio. The only audio we had was through the cameras microphone which pi...

Music Videos

into you by ariana grande This music video was apart of my focus because of the pink tone to the edit. The storyline was also very well thought out and shown throughout the video. There were no holes in the plot line which was amazing because it didn't leave any confusion. I love professional music videos because they tell the full story, have a lot of shots, and the shots are well done. I believe this specific music video really used a variety of the shots and the camera movements. Robbers by the 1975 Robbers by the 1975 had a very similar storyline to the Come and Get it music video I'm making. The storyline follows two people, who decide to go rob a gas station. The bandannas on their face is apart of our inspiration, along with a few of the shots shown. This music video has a variety of shots, and a solid storyline with a couple of plots. I found this music video to be well edited, well put, and the shots a w...

Come and Get it Paige, Erin, zane and I were all in a group for our first Entertainment project. We set out to film a music video with a story line, two robbers break into a home, they steal money and they keep stealing until the cops show up. After the cops show up, they run to a nearby golf course. While at the golf course, Paige betrays me, shooting and killing me stealing the bag of money. Although we all had the same footage, our edits were different and told a different story. My edit had a pink tone throughout, that was intentional. Takeaways from this project definitely include the knowledge of make a thorough story board, use a tripod even if you're moving around a lot, and you can't edit a beautiful looking music video in a week or less. I had fun filming and editing this, I look forward to the rest of Entertainment. 

Poster Post

Character and Function of a Poster     Reading about posters you come to realize that posters are used to appeal to peoples minds and their aesthetics, showing people how you express your feelings and thoughts through colors without having to physically touch or talk to them. A poster is designed to be vivid in color and extravagant, but not too busy or drawing away attention. Posters are one of the most important ways of communication between producers and consumers.  The Laws of Poster Designing While designing posters you should have a wide range of knowledge in graphic design, the poster should attract a viewer by using techniques that attract colors and feelings from the audience. Lettering in posters are planned so that the poster has room and is left so that the poster still has its aesthetic feel and the lettering is planned accordingly. Colors and shapes are used to express style and creativity. The colors are used to make the views feel a certain way or ...